Unieruchomienie wszystkich wstawianych części do złożenia

Immobilization of all inserted parts for assembly

Każdy pracujący z SOLIDWORKS kojarzy fakt, iż pierwszy wstawiany komponent do złożenia jest unieruchomiony. Oczywiście można to na dalszym etapie projektu zmienić, ale piszę o ustawieniach domyślnych. Od dwóch wersji wstecz pojawiła się w programie opcja pozwalająca określić, jaki status przyjmuje wstawiana część. Do wyboru pozostają trzy opcje: Unieruchom tylko pierwszy komponent Unieruchom Uwolnij ps....

15 May 202415 May 2024by
Automatyczne naprawianie błędnych wiązań w złożeniach

Automatically repair incorrect mates in assemblies

One of the basic activities in assemblies is repairing incorrect mates. Errors will appear after design changes or component swaps. Do you know, that there is an Xpert tool called Automatic Repair? At the time, when a binding error is displayed, indicated by a red arrow next to the file name, you can view the bindings with the wrong one and select Automatic Repair. The possibilities are....

28 March 202428 March 2024by
Zmiana kierunku rozstrzelenia kiedyś i obecnie

Changing the direction of shooting then and now

In assemblies, different components can have different orientations – it's natural. However, when we do the shooting, directions are related to the global 3D layout. In other words, clicking on the X arrow component,Y, Z will be set as indicated by the triad in the lower left corner of the screen. This may result in a collision when moving components. However, there is a solution! In order to...

13 March 202413 March 2024by
Inteligentne linie rozstrzelenia w widokach rozstrzelonych

Smart explode lines in exploded views

After you create an exploded view in assemblies, sometimes there is a need to show the shooting line. Starszy typ linii nazwany jako Szkic linii rozstrzelenia działa bardzo słabo, w mojej ocenie ma sens jedynie po zaznaczeniu ścian cylindrycznych. Z kolei nowsze rozwiązanie, czyli Inteligentne linie rozstrzelenia działają dużo lepiej, ale nie idealnie. Co mam na myśli? Otóż w rozstrzeleniu poniżej...

17 February 202417 February 2024by
Zastosowanie wiązania o nazwie Liniowe/Złączka liniowa

Use of a binding called Linear/Linear Connector

From the series, the less known Advanced binding, which serves to give linear motion to two components. Linear/Linear coupler works like this, that we point to a component 1 and linear direction, on which it moves and the component 2 and direction of movement. What is important, the direction can be anything linear (edge, axis, sketch line etc.) and it doesn't have to belong to this component....

10 February 202410 February 2024by
Wystąpienia do zastąpienia w szykach złożeń

Instances to replace in assembly arrays

Pattern in assemblies can refer to pattern in parts, but this solution is not always possible. In turn, the circular pattern in the SOLIDWORKS version 2023 gained new opportunities. These are the Instances to be replaced, which contain two tabs: Skipped Instances and Modified Instances. The first option already existed before, new is the ability to control omitted instances in configurations....

3 February 20243 February 2024by
Pokaż foldery aktualizacji w złożeniach

Show update folders in assemblies

By designing in context, things can happen, that the reconstruction symbol is persistently displayed in the tree. It would seem, that everything is updated, and yet the symbol is still there. To make it easier to locate an unupdated reference, you can use the option . It is turned on by right-clicking at the highest level of the assembly. The operation in the context is automatically updated, If...

7 January 20247 January 2024by
Zależności dynamiczne – dlaczego należy ograniczyć do minimum ich użycie

Phisical Dynamics – why their use should be limited to a minimum

Wanting to show the work of a chain in SOLIDWORKS, roller mechanisms, gears etc. appropriate bonding must be used. However, the disadvantage of binding is the rigid connection of the components – not taking into account any play. This will be very clearly visible in the case of gear binding, rack and pinion mechanism or chain arrangement. But there is an undoubted advantage – the operation of the above-mentioned devices is very smooth, does not burden ...

7 November 20237 November 2023by
SmartMates – czyli szybkie wiązania w złożeniach

SmartMates – i.e. quick ties in assemblies

Mates in assemblies can be defined in many ways. But did you know, that it can be done very quickly – with the Alt key. This combination allows you to add a tie without having to turn on the paperclip (bonds). If you are adding a concentric mate this way – before you drop the component, with the TAB key you can change the alignment/anti-alignment. So if you were wondering (out) myself, for what...

11 October 202311 October 2023by
Chwilowe unieruchomienie/zgrupowanie przydatną opcją podczas pracy w złożeniach

Momentary fixation/grouping is a useful option when working in assemblies

Momentary Pin/Group is a right-click option in assemblies. Allows you to momentarily immobilize selected components – will be marked with an asterisk. The second useful option is grouping – in this case, the components are locked to each other. This in turn makes it easier to manipulate, move etc. components.

23 July 202323 July 2023by